Senin, 06 November 2017

Full Details of Import Tax from Customs Indonesia

Details of import duty tax from Customs is very necessary when you will start import business from abroad. Import tax fee you must obey. In order for the products you import can reach your hands.

For details of import taxes fees from Customs kerja online indonesia all the same. The only difference is the delivery service. But the shipping service is also included in the import tax cost of the product. So every import from certain country will have different cost.

If you are going to try importing products from abroad. Here are the details of import duties from Customs fees that you must pay:

1. Calculate Import Duties

The Customs Formula that you can use is as follows:

Import Duty = (CIF - USD) x Import Duty Tariff


Goods Price = Cost (C)

Insurance = Insurance (I)

Shipping cost / Postage = Freight (F)

For Import Duty tariff is different. Depending on kerja online terpercaya the type of goods you import. For more details please check Here

If you import with CIF cost less than 50 USD then not in wear with import tax.

2. Calculate the Overall Tax Cost

After you calculate the import duty, then calculate the overall cost of import tax that you have to bear. The formula for calculating the overall tax cost is as follows:

VAT = (CIF   USD 50 + import duty) x 10%

Income tax = ((CIF   USD 50) + import duty) 7.5%

Import Tax = Import Duty + VAT + Income tax

From the above formula, if you are still confused please see and learn the example of calculating the cost of import tax from Customs Indonesia:

You buy a music book on for $ 70 USD, no insurance and $ 30 USD shipping costs so the CIF value is (70 + 0 + 30) = $ 100 USD

Import Duty = (100   50) x 0% = $ 0 USD

VAT = (100   50 + 0) x 10% = $ 5 USD

Income = (100-50 + 0) x 7.5% = $ 3.75 USD

Import Tax = 0 + 5 + 3.75 = $ 8.75 USD

Assuming $ 1 USD = Rp 10,000 then the Import Tax is 8.75 x 10000 = Rp 87.500, 

What you should consider when going to start a business import products from abroad!
1. Notice the Type of Goods

Import Duty tariff of imported product is different. So it is necessary for kerja online data entry you to pay attention to the type of goods that you will import. After that please check the amount of Import Duty Tariff of the product.

2. Shipping Charges

Shipping costs or postage is also greatly affect the amount of Customs Tariff that you have to pay. So you need to consider before importing products from abroad.

3. Currency Exchange

Every day the currency exchange moves up and down is uncertain. Therefore, it is important that you pay attention to the current currency rate. The benchmark that became kerja online gratis the benchmark is the exchange rate of US Dollar (USD)

That's what you should pay attention to when importing products from abroad. Hopefully useful and can help you.

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